Thursday, February 28, 2013

Reasons to Keep Your Virginity Until Marriage

These are just some the reasons with for why its best to wait until marriage for sex. If you have already lost your virginity, you can renew your commitment to God and yourself to keep any further sexual activity set aside for your marriage bed.

1) Once you've lost it, you can't get it back

2) God commands you to keep sex for marriage

3) Fornication (sex before marriage) is a sin

4) Your marriage sex life will be MUCH better if you wait

5) Virginity is one of the greatest gifts you can give your future wife or husband

6) Having sex before marriage increases your risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease (Aids, Venereal Disease, Herpes, etc..)

7) Sexual intercourse causes you to be one in spirit and in flesh with another person. You will have difficulty cutting these ties to this person when you marry another person in the future.

8) Sex without the commitment of a lifetime is an empty act. It will undoubtedly fail to match the high expectations you have for it. It usually takes years to develop intimacy with your spouse, and physical intimacy in sex is closely (or intimately) related to this overall emotional & spiritual intimacy. It takes work and it takes true love. Love without the lifetime commitment is not strong enough to develop your sexual experience into God's perfect and wonderful plan for it.

9) Having sex before marriage risks pregnancy. It's one thing to have sex without the security of a lifetime commitment, but try raising children without that commitment. If the parents stick together, that helps, but nothing can substitute a child's security in knowing that his/her parents are committed to each other and aren't going to leave when things get tough.

10) Premarital sex cheapens one of God's greatest gifts to people. God, the Creator of life, gave us the privilege of being "stewards" in the creation of life. It behooves us to keep the standards that he established for sex.

1 comment:

  1. Everything that you have written here is exactly what my parents have taught me. It is a shame that the majority of people today laugh at knowledge of virginity and will do anything to destroy it. Satan truly is on a rampage to destroy all that is good. Yet this blog continues to give those who truly are holding on to their dreams a sense of hope. Keep fighting!
